Our Bylaws
Section 1: Preamble
The history of the Northern Mariana Islands Democratic Party is rooted in the former Popular Party, which led the movement in the 1960s and 1970s for self-determination and the creation of our Commonwealth in permanent political union with the United States of America.
Today NMI Democrats are proud to be affiliated with the national Democratic Party. In 2016, NMI Democrats were represented for the first time in history at the Democratic National Convention and participated in the nomination of the first female candidate for President in United States history. In the 2020 Democratic National Convention, NMI Democrats endorsed Joe Biden for President and Kamala Harris for Vice President, and joined the national party in adopting a bold and progressive platform that sets forth a vision for a stronger, more just, and more equitable America.
In the Northern Marianas and across the nation, Democrats are committed to uniting and healing our communities, rebuilding an economy that promotes shared prosperity, and restoring public trust in government.
We, the Democrats of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, united in common purpose, hereby rededicate ourselves to the principles which have historically sustained our Party. Recognizing that the vitality of the Commonwealth’s political institutions has been the foundation of its enduring strength, we acknowledge that a political party which wishes to lead must listen to those it would lead, a party which asks for the people’s trust must prove that it trusts the people, and a party which hopes to call forth the best the Commonwealth can achieve must embody the best of the Commonwealth’s heritage and traditions.
What we see for our Commonwealth, we hope for all people: individual freedom in the framework of a just society, political freedom in the framework of meaningful participation by all citizens. Bound by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, aware that a party must be responsive to be worthy of responsibility, we pledge ourselves to open, honest endeavor and to the conduct of public affairs in a manner worthy of a society of free people.
For these ends and upon these principles, we do establish and adopt these Bylaws of the Democratic Party of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Section 1: Preamble
ARTICLE ONE: Statement of Organizational Principles
The history of the Northern Mariana Islands Democratic Party is rooted in the former Popular Party, which led the movement in the 1960s and 1970s for self-determination and the creation of our Commonwealth in permanent political union with the United States of America.
Today NMI Democrats are proud to be affiliated with the national Democratic Party. In 2016, NMI Democrats were represented for the first time in history at the Democratic National Convention and participated in the nomination of the first female candidate for President in United States history. In the 2020 Democratic National Convention, NMI Democrats endorsed Joe Biden for President and Kamala Harris for Vice President, and joined the national party in adopting a bold and progressive platform that sets forth a vision for a stronger, more just, and more equitable America.
In the Northern Marianas and across the nation, Democrats are committed to uniting and healing our communities, rebuilding an economy that promotes shared prosperity, and restoring public trust in government.
All public meetings at all levels of the Democratic Party are open to all members of the Democratic Party regardless of race, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, color, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, physical disability, economic status or philosophical persuasion. Any person who is a registered Democrat and supports the purposes of the Democratic Party may participate in any Party meeting and may be elected to any office in accordance with applicable party rules and statutes.
No test of membership, nor any oath of loyalty to, the Democratic Party shall be required or used which has the effect of requiring prospective or current members of the Democratic Party to acquiesce in, condone or support discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, age, color, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, physical disability or economic status.
The time and place for all meetings of the Democratic Party on all levels should be publicized fully and in such manner as to assure timely notice to all interested persons. Such meetings must be held in places accessible to all Party members and large enough to accommodate all interested persons.
The Democratic Party shall support the broadest possible registration without discrimination on grounds of race, gender, age, color, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, physical disability, economic status or philosophical persuasion.
The Democratic Party shall publicize fully and in such manner as to assure notice to all interested parties of full description of the legal and practical procedures for selection of Democratic Party officers and representatives on all levels. Publication of these procedures shall be done in such fashion that all prospective and current members of the Democratic Party will be fully and adequately informed of the pertinent procedures in time to participate in each selection procedure at all levels of the Democratic Party organization.
The Democratic Party shall publicize fully and in such manner as to assure notice to all interested parties a complete description of the legal and practical qualifications for all officers and representatives of the Democratic Party. Such publication shall be done in timely fashion so that all prospective candidates or applicants for any elected or appointed position within the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas will have full and adequate opportunity to compete for office.
Section 1: Preamble
The name of this corporation shall be the Democratic Party of the Northern Marianas, Inc., and is hereinafter referred to as the “Party”.
Section 1: Preamble
The principal office of the Party shall be on the island of Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The Party may have other offices to be designated by the Central Executive Committee.
ARTICLE FOUR: Membership
Section 1. Qualification
Any person who is eligible to vote in an election under Article VII of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and any laws passed in accordance with that Article, or who shall become eligible to vote in the upcoming general election, shall be eligible to become a member of the Party with full voting and other privileges. It is the policy of this organization that no person shall be denied membership because of race, color, creed, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or national origin.
Section 2. Membership Approval
An eligible applicant shall become a member of the Party upon their application and registration. The Membership Committee may reject a registration at any time within 30 days of application. In the case of rejection, the applicant shall have a right to appeal the rejection to the Central Executive Committee, which shall hear and decide the appeal within 15 days of the appeal, or within such longer period as may be specified with the concurrence of the applicant. Rejection of registration shall be without prejudice to a new application made not less than 90 days later.
Section 2. Membership Approval
An eligible applicant shall become a member of the Party upon their application and registration. The Membership Committee may reject a registration at any time within 30 days of application. In the case of rejection, the applicant shall have a right to appeal the rejection to the Central Executive Committee, which shall hear and decide the appeal within 15 days of the appeal, or within such longer period as may be specified with the concurrence of the applicant. Rejection of registration shall be without prejudice to a new application made not less than 90 days later.
Section 3. Voting
Each member shall be entitled to one (1) vote pertaining to general membership issues.
Section 4. Duration of Membership
(a) A member may voluntarily terminate his/her membership by giving written notice of such intention or by publicly announcing his/her termination or withdrawal as a member.
(b) A member may be terminated, upon notice, by a majority vote of the Central Executive Committee if the member makes any public statement or performs any act that is against the interests of the Party.
(c) A terminated member may dispute the termination by making a response to the notice of termination. If there is any dispute, a simple majority of the Central Executive Committee shall make the final decision of a termination under this subsection after consideration of the terminated member’s response.
Section 1: Preamble
The Democratic Party of the Northern Mariana Islands
The Democratic Party of the Northern Mariana Islands shall:
Section 1.
Nominate and assist in the election of Democratic candidates for elected offices in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; and support and assist in the election of Democratic candidates for national offices;
Section 2.
Adopt and promote statements of policy;
Section 3.
Establish standards and rules of procedure to afford all members of the Democratic Party full, timely and equal opportunities to participate in decisions concerning the selections of candidates, the formulation of policy, and the conduct of other Party affairs, without prejudice on the basis of sex, race, age (if of voting age), color, creed, national origin, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, ethnic identity or physical disability, and further, to promote fair campaign practices and the fair adjudication of disputes. Accordingly, the scheduling of Democratic Party affairs at all levels shall consider the presence of any religious minorities of significant numbers of concentration whose level of participation would be affected;
Section 4.
Raise and disburse monies needed for the successful operation of the Democratic Party;
Section 5.
Work with Democratic public officials at all levels to achieve the objectives of the Democratic Party; and
Section 6.
Encourage and support codes of political ethics that embody substantive rules of ethical guidance for public officials and employees to assure that public officials shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner that reflects creditably upon the office they serve, shall not use their office to gain special privileges and benefits, and shall refrain from acting in their official capacities when their independence of judgment would be adversely affected by personal interest or duties.
ARTICLE SIX: Party Convention and General Election Candidate Nomination
Section 1.
The Party shall hold a convention in every year in which a general election is held in the Commonwealth, for the purpose of nominating or confirming candidates to run for office on the general election ballot and otherwise furthering the purposes of the Party. The Party, via the Rules Committee, shall promulgate rules for the convention in accordance with these Bylaws no later than thirty (30) days prior to the opening of the convention.
Section 2. Announcement of Candidacy; Confirmation of Eligibility; Selection.
(a) Declaration. All candidates wishing to seek a Party nomination for office must file a Declaration of Candidacy or a Letter of Intent with the Chairperson by such deadlines as the Central Executive Committee may establish and in any case no later than ten (10) days prior to the opening of the convention and in accordance with the rules for the convention. In the case of candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, the Declaration or Letter may be submitted jointly for a ticket, as provided for in Article III, Section 4 of the Commonwealth Constitution, or by any other procedure the Central Executive Committee may approve. The Declaration or Letter must be accompanied with factual evidence that the candidate(s) meet(s) all of the criteria to hold office under the CNMI or Federal law, whichever is applicable.
(b) Filing Fees. All Declarations of Candidacy or a Letters of Intent must be accompanied by payment of a filing fee, in accordance with the rules of the convention, intended to defray the overall costs of the nomination process and the filing of Party nomination documents with the Commonwealth Board of Elections. In no event shall the filing fee be greater than $100.00.
(c) Referral to Credentials Committee. The Chairperson shall refer each Declaration of Candidacy or a Letter of Intent to the Credentials Committee for review. The Credentials Committee shall investigate the qualifications of each candidate to hold office as set forth in Subsection (a). The Chairperson of the Credentials Committee shall inform each candidate no later than twenty-four (24) hours before the start of the convention whether the candidate is found to be eligible, and shall submit a list of all eligible candidates for each office on the general-election ballot at the convention.
Section 3. Nomination, Elections, and Voting
All elections for nomination at the convention will be conducted by the Rules Committee in accordance with convention rules. Only eligible voters, per the convention rules, in attendance at the convention shall be allowed to vote. To attend the convention, a person must:
(1) be a registered CNMI voter or provide proof of the capability of becoming a registered CNMI voter prior to the corresponding general election; and
(2) be a registered Party member.
The Party may not charge a fee to any person wishing to attend the convention. By rule, the Rules Committee may require a person wishing to participate in the convention to be physically present or may devise a form of absentee voting. The convention may be located and coordinated across multiple islands within the CNMI.
Section 4. Number of Nominations
The number of nominations shall be equal to the number of positions available in the general election. Only one person shall receive the nomination of the Party for each position.
Section 5. Nomination of Candidates for Office
The party shall not nominate more candidates for an office than are positions available for election. If the number of candidates for an office exceeds the number ballot slots to be filled by more than one, a system of preferential voting shall be used. Otherwise, the candidate(s) receiving the largest number of votes for the position from convention attendees registered to vote in the election district(s) to be represented shall be nominated.
When preferential voting is used, delegates shall be supplied with ballots on which they are to mark their preferences up to the number of ballot slots to be filled. After the ballots are cast, the first choices are tabulated and the candidates ranked according to vote count. The ballots on which the highest-ranking candidate was the first choice are then eliminated and the remaining ballots tabulated according to the second choice. The results are added to the results of the first tabulation and the resulting new totals ranked. The ballots on which either of the top two candidates were the second choice are then eliminated and the remaining ballots tabulated according to the third choice, with the results added to the previous sums. This process continues until all the ballots/choices are exhausted. The candidates with the highest cumulative vote totals shall be nominated.
For seats in the House of Representatives, only convention attendees registered to vote in the precinct concerned shall vote. For Senate seats, only convention attendees registered to vote in the senatorial district concerned shall vote. For Mayor of Rota, only convention attendees registered to vote in the First Senatorial District concerned shall vote. For Mayor of Tinian, only convention attendees registered to vote in the Second Senatorial District shall vote. For Mayor of Saipan, only convention attendees registered to vote on Saipan shall vote. For Mayor of the Northern Islands, only convention attendees registered to vote in the Northern Islands shall vote. For the Governor/Lt. Governor ticket, all convention attendees shall vote.
Section 6.
Should the Central Executive Committee determine it is in the best interests of the Party to nominate the Party’s nominees via a primary, the Central Executive Committee may arrange for the primary and amend these bylaws per section XVII, provided it does so with sufficient time to provide adequate process for candidates seeking Party nomination to secure ballot access.
Section 7. Party Nominations for Non-General Elections
(a) Non-CNMI-Wide Positions. Should the position available in a non-general election be for a non-CNMI-wide office, the Chairperson shall call for a special meeting of the Central Executive Committee. At this special meeting, the CEC Members from the Election Districts electing the position shall vote to determine the Party’s nominee, one vote per CEC Member. The candidate receiving the most votes will be the Party’s nominee. If there is more than one position to be filled, the candidates receiving the highest number of votes equivalent to the number of positions to be filled in the non-general election shall be elected the Party’s nominee. Should there be a tie, the Chairperson shall flip a coin to determine the Party’s nominee.
(b) CNMI-Wide Positions. Should the position available in a non-general election be for a CNMI-wide office, the Chairperson, at his or her discretion, may either call for a convention to determine the Party’s nominee or call a special meeting of the Central Exe
Central Executive Committee
Section 1.
The Central Executive Committee shall have general responsibility for the affairs of the Democratic Party between Conventions and biennial meetings, as the case may be, subject to the provisions of these Bylaws and to the resolution or other actions of the Convention or biennial meeting. This responsibility shall include:
(a) issuing the Call to the Convention;
(b) conducting the Party’s Gubernatorial campaign;
(c) filling vacancies in the nominations for offices;
(d) formulating and disseminating statements of Party policy;
(e) providing for the election or appointment of its officers, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and other appropriate officers, and for the filling of vacancies; and
(f) all other actions necessary or appropriate in order to carry out the provisions of these Bylaws and the objectives of the Democratic Party.
Section 2. General Powers
When a general membership meeting is not in session, the affairs of the Party shall be managed by the Central Executive Committee, unless responsibility for the affair is designated to an Officer or the Executive Board by these bylaws or by an action of the Central Executive Committee. To accomplish this task, the Central Executive Committee may employ such staff as it may require.
Section 3. Number, Tenure, Allocation, and Qualification of CEC Members
(a) The number of Central Executive Committee Members (“CEC Members”) shall be not more than twenty-eight (28) persons. Each CEC Member shall hold office from the time of her or his election at a regular general membership meeting until the opening of the succeeding regular general membership meeting. Each CEC member must be a registered member of the Party. The CEC may fill any vacancies in membership. Members selected to fill vacancies shall serve until the next general membership meeting.
(b) There shall be at least two CEC members from each of the seven (7) CNMI Election Districts. The Party shall endeavor to have CEC members from as many different villages in the Commonwealth as possible. The manner of election and procedures for election of CEC members shall be as prescribed in the call of the Convention or general membership meeting. Incumbent members of the CEC who wish to be considered for reelection shall automatically be included in the ballot.
(c) Any Party Member may be nominated as a candidate for CEC Member. Party members should seek out candidates for CEC Member and generally endeavor to elect an overall CEC membership that reflects the diversity of the CNMI with regard to race, color, creed, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, national origin, age, and economic status.
Section 4. Ex-Officio Members
Party nominees elected to office shall be ex-officio members of the Central Executive Committee. Their presence at a meeting shall not be counted in determining quorum.
Section 5. Regular Meetings
The Central Executive Committee shall hold regularly-scheduled meetings at least once every quarter.
Section 6. Special Meetings
The Central Executive Committee shall be called for a special meeting by or at the request of the Chairperson or of any nine (9) CEC Members.
Section 7. Notices to CEC Members
Notice of any meeting of the Central Executive Committee shall be given at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting by mail, telephone, or electronic mail.
Section 8. Quorum
Forty percent (40%) of the sitting CEC Members present for the start of a Central Executive Committee meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at that meeting. If less than forty percent (40%) of the sitting CEC Members are present at the start of the meeting, the CEC Members present shall adjourn the meeting.
Section 9. Decisions
Any act of the majority of the CEC Members present at a meeting that has satisfied the quorum requirement shall be an act of the Central Executive Committee and the Party.
Section 10. Removal
Any CEC Member that fails to attend three (3) official meetings, without a legitimate reason given prior to the meeting, may be removed by the Central Executive Committee. Provided however, that no CEC member shall be removed except after notice and the opportunity to respond, including the right to present that response to the full CEC.
Section 11. Compensation
CEC Members shall not receive any compensation, fees or costs for their services as members; however, CEC Members are not disqualified from employment by the Party, provided that they do not participate in the process of selection for employment, or in personnel decisions in which they are interested. CEC Members shall be reimbursed for authorized expenses incurred on behalf of the Party.
Officers and Executive Board
Section 1. Officers and Executive Board
The officers of the Party shall be a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, a secretary, an assistant secretary, a treasurer, and such other officers as may be established by the Central Executive Committee. The officers of the Party, along with the CNMI members of the Democratic National Committee, shall constitute the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the Chairperson with at least one day’s advance notice via mail, phone, or electronic mail.
Section 2.
The Executive Board is empowered to take limited action on behalf of the Party if it deems such action is immediately required and cannot wait for a properly-noticed special meeting of the Central Executive Committee, including approving expenditures of up to $500.00 (to be confirmed at the next Central Executive Committee Meeting) and taking other such action as empowered by the Central Executive Committee. However, the Executive Board shall not take public policy positions on behalf of the Central Executive Committee or the Party.
Section 3. Election and Term of Office
The officers of the Party shall be elected by the CEC Members immediately following the close of a regular general membership meeting and shall serve until the opening of the following regular general membership meeting. Any officer may be removed, upon notice, with or without cause, by a three-fourths (3/4ths) majority vote of the Central Executive Committee.
Section 4. Powers and Duties
(1) Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson, or in her or his absence the Vice-Chairperson, shall preside over all meetings of the Central Executive Committee and the Executive Board. In the absence of both persons, a temporary presiding officer shall be elected from the CEC Members present. The Chairperson shall exercise general supervision over all of the affairs of the Party. The Chairperson shall be an ex officio member of all committees, but her or his presence shall not be counted in determining a quorum.
(2) Secretary. The Secretary shall keep a complete record of all proceedings and correspondence of the Party and the Central Executive Committee. The Secretary shall be responsible for serving, sending, or publishing notices of meetings. The Secretary shall have the power to authenticate the acts of the Central Executive Committee in any legal documents as well as performing all other duties pertaining to the Office of the Secretary.
(3) Assistant Secretary. The Assistant Secretary shall assist all officers. In the absence of the Secretary at CEC meetings and functions, the Assistant Secretary shall be the Acting Secretary.
(4) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive all corporate funds and keep them in a bank approved by the Central Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall keep account of all currencies, credits and property of the Party. The Treasurer shall make payment only for bills properly approved by the Central Executive Committee. All checks shall bear the signature of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson (only in the absence of the Chairperson) in addition to that of the Treasurer. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Chairperson may designate the power to sign checks to one of the CEC Members. A current financial statement shall be prepared and presented at every meeting of the Central Executive Committee or upon request by the Chairperson.
Section 5. Vacancies
A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise, may be filled by the Central Executive Committee for the unexpired term of office.
ARTICLE NINE: Committees
Section 1. Standing Committees
The CEC shall have at least six (6) Standing Committees, each consisting of at least six (6) members. Additional committees may be established, from time to time, by the Central Executive Committee. The party Chairperson shall appoint the committee chairs and may appoint members to serve on committees. The committee chairperson of each committee may also appoint members to serve on the committee. All committee appointments are subject to a right to review and modification by the Central Executive Committee. Vacancies that occur on any committee by reason of death, resignation, or otherwise may be filled by the remaining members. A candidate for office may not be a member of a committee.
Section 2. Description of Standing Committee
The Standing Committees of the CEC shall be:
(a) Rules and Strategy Committee. The principal duties of this committee shall include, but not be limited to, review and making recommendations for improvement of the party bylaws, performing all functions prescribed by these bylaws for the rules committee, issuing calls for the convention or biennial meetings, assisting in developing the platform of the Democratic Party; and designing a strategic plan for the success of the party.
(b) Election Committee. The principal duties of this committee shall include, but not be limited to, developing a recommended plan for the conduct of the primary election if one is to be held; managing the primary election according to the approved plan; and overseeing the general election to protect the general interests of the Democratic Party.
(c) Finance Committee. The principal duties of this committee shall include, but not be limited to, developing a recommended annual budget for the Party, and arranging and conducting fundraising drives for the Party. The Chairperson of this committee shall be the Treasurer of the Party.
(d) Logistics and Campaign Committee. The principal duties of this committee shall include, but not be limited to, making preparations for village campaigns, pocket meetings, and social and religious activities; reviewing and approving all advertisements and promotional materials, and providing logistic support for the campaigning of candidates.
(e) Credential Committee. The principal duties of this committee shall include, but not be limited to, reviewing the credentials of candidates seeking office from Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Delegate to the United States House of Representatives, Mayor, Senate, and House of Representatives.
(f) Membership Committee. The principal duties of this committee shall include, but not be limited to, soliciting new members and retaining existing members of the Party. The Committee may determine whether a member or prospective member continues to subscribe to the values of the Party and supports the Party’s candidates for office, and may make appropriate recommendations thereon to the CEC.
Section 3. Rules and Regulations.
A committee may propose rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the By-laws, regarding matters within its jurisdiction. The Central Executive Committee, in its sole discretion, may adopt (with or without modification) or reject the proposed rules and/or regulation(s). The adopted rules and/or regulation(s) shall be attached to the By-Laws and shall govern the conduct of the Party.
ARTICLE TEN: Membership Meetings
Section 1. Authority
When in session, the general membership meeting shall be the controlling authority of the Party.
Section 2. Regular Meetings
(a) There shall be one general membership meeting of the Party every two (2) years. The Party shall convene in a general membership meeting no later than April 30 following a general election. The exact date of a general membership meeting shall be determined by the Central Executive Committee. Notice of such meetings, issued by the Secretary, shall be published in a local newspaper at least two (2) weeks in advance and announced on at least one of the local radio stations at least one (1) week in advance.
(b) Members of the Central Executive Committee shall be elected at the regular general membership meeting.
Section 3. Special Meetings
Special general membership meetings may be called at any time by the Chairperson or, in her or his absence, by the Vice Chairperson in an acting capacity or by a written request of a majority of the members of the Central Executive Committee. Notice of any special meeting must be given to the members pursuant to the process set forth in these Bylaws stating the purpose of the meeting.
Section 1. Contracts
The Chairperson is authorized to enter into contract(s) or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of the Party and on its behalf once approved by the Central Executive Committee or, if permitted by these bylaws or by the Central Executive Committee, by the Executive Board, following the certification by the Treasurer of available funds to fulfill the contract.
Section 2. Checks, Drafts, and Orders
The Chairperson and the Treasurer shall sign all checks, drafts and order for the payment of money or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the Party.
Section 3. Deposits
All funds of the Party shall be deposited in a bank approved by the Central Executive Committee. The Party shall preserve and maintain in its account at least $500.00 at all times.
Section 4. Fiscal year
The fiscal year for the Party shall be the same as the calendar year.
Section 5. Annual Budget
The Treasurer or, if appointed and established, the Finance Committee, shall recommend an annual budget for the following fiscal year to the Central Executive Committee before the Central Executive Committee’s September meeting. The Central Executive Committee may accept, reject, or modify the recommendation(s) of the Treasurer or Finance Committee in adopting the annual budget for the Party. The budget may be adopted prior to the start of the fiscal year. The Central Executive Committee may adopt a balanced budget, identifying the anticipated revenues for the fiscal year and the recommended expenditures.
Section 6. Expenditure of Corporate Funds
The Treasurer shall not expend, nor shall any officer obligate the Party to expend, funds for any purpose that is not within the recommended expenditures for the Party unless approved by the Central Executive Committee.
Section 7. Federal and Local Grants
Any funds which are received from a federal or local grant program shall be controlled in accordance with the procedures established by the grantor agency.
Section 8. Non-Profit Status
This Party is not intended as a profit-making corporation, nor is it founded with the expectation of making a profit. The Party shall use its funds only for the objectives and purposes specified in the Charter of Incorporation.
Section 9.
The Party shall keep accurate and complete records and books of account. The Party shall also keep minutes of all the proceedings of the Central Executive Committee, other Committees, and general membership meetings.
Section 10.
Nothing herein shall constitute members of the Party as partners for any purpose. No member, officer, CEC Member, agent, or employee shall be liable for the acts of failure to act of any other member, officer, CEC Member, agent, or employee of the Party. No member, officer, CEC Member, agent, or employee shall be liable for her or his acts or failure to act under these By-Laws, except any acts or omissions arising out of her or his willful misfeasance.
Party Nominations to the Board of Elections
The Central Executive Committee shall, with the assistance of the nominated candidates, timely file the proper documents for party nomination of the candidates with the Commonwealth Board of elections pursuant to the requirements of Article 1 of Chapter 3 of Division 6 of Title 1 of the Commonwealth Code.
Presidential Caucuses
The Chairperson shall produce a CNMI Delegate Selection Plan and designate a committee to hold a Party Caucus to select the Party’s delegates to the Democratic National Convention in accordance with the corresponding DNC Delegate Selection Plan, Charter, and Bylaws.
Election of Democratic National Committee Members
Section 1.
The members of the Party on the Democratic National Committee shall be elected by the Central Executive Committee.
Section 2.
Notice of such election shall be given to all members of the CEC at least 10 days prior to the meeting at which the election is to take place.
Section 3.
The number of members elected shall be in accordance with the Bylaws of the Democratic National Committee.
Section 4.
The name of any person registered to vote as a Democrat in the CNMI may be placed in nomination by a CEC Member. One-half (1/2) of the delegation shall be male and one-half (1/2) shall be female, unless an odd number of members is to be selected, in which case a variation of one will be permitted. In the event of a tie vote, the winner shall be determined by lot.
Section 5.
Except as may be required by section 4 above, the candidate(s) with the most votes shall be elected.
Section 6.
Vacancies in the delegation shall be filled in the same manner as specified herein above. Only persons of the same gender as the person whose vacancy is being filled may be a candidate for membership of the Democratic National Committee. In the filling of vacancies, it is the intent of these bylaws to maintain equal division of the delegation between males and females except as allowed by Section 4, above.
Section 7. Party Nominations for Non-General Elections
The term of office of a member of the Democratic National Committee shall be four (4) years, as set forth in the Charter and Bylaws of the Democratic National Committee. Persons elected to fill a vacancy shall complete the term of the person whose vacancy has been filled.
Development of a Party Platform
Section 1.
The Party shall adopt a platform of goals and objectives to guide the campaigns of its candidates and the pursuit of sound public policy by its nominees elected to office. The platform shall be developed for and approved by the convention via the Platform Committee.
Section 2.
The Central Executive Committee shall ensure that all Party nominees receive a copy of the platform and use the Party’s logo or name in all advertisements.
Full Participation
Section 1.
The Democratic Party of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands shall be open to all who desire to support the Party and who wish to be known as Democrats.
Section 2.
Discrimination in the conduct of Democratic Party affairs on the basis of sex, race, age (if of voting age), color, creed, national origin, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnic identity or physical disability is prohibited, to the end that the Democratic Party at all levels be an open party.
Section 3.
The Party shall encourage full participation by all Democrats, with particular concern for minority groups, Blacks, Native Americans, Asian/Pacific Islanders, Hispanics, women, and youth in the delegate selection process and in all Party affairs. The Party shall adopt and implement an affirmative action program which provides for representation as nearly as practicable of the aforementioned groups, as indicated by their presence in the Democratic electorate. This program shall include specific goals and timetables to achieve this purpose.
Section 4.
This goal shall not be accomplished either directly or indirectly by the imposition of mandatory quotas at any level of the delegate selection process or in any other Party affairs, as defined in the Bylaws; however, representation as nearly as practicable of minority groups, Blacks, Native Americans, Asian/Pacifics, Hispanics, women and youth, as indicated by their presence in the Democratic electorate, as provided in this Article, shall not be deemed a quota.
General Provisions
Section 1.
Democratic Party means the Democratic Party of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Section 2.
The Central Executive Committee shall maintain and publish a code of fair campaign practices, which shall be recommended for observance by all candidates campaigning as Democrats.
Section 3.
The Democratic Party shall not require a delegate to a Party convention or caucus to cast a vote contrary to his or her expressed preference.
Section 4.
Voting by proxy shall not be permitted in Democratic Party affairs.
Section 5.
All meetings of the Central Executive Committee, and all other official Party committees, commissions and bodies, shall be open to the public, and votes shall not be taken by secret ballot.
Section 6.
The Central Executive Committee shall prepare and make available to the public an annual report concerning the financial affairs of the Democratic Party.
Section 7.
In the absence of other provisions, Robert’s Rules of Order (as most recently revised) shall govern the conduct of all Democratic Party meetings.
Section 8. Democratic Party Credo.
We Democrats are the oldest political party in America and the youngest in spirit. We will remain so, because we enjoy the challenge of government. Time and again, for almost two centuries, the Democratic Party has made government work – to build and defend a nation, to encourage commerce, to educate our children, to promote equal opportunity, to advance science and industry, to support the arts and humanities, to restore the land, to develop and conserve our human and natural resources, to preserve and enhance our built environment, to relieve poverty, to explore space. We have reached difficult and vital goals.
We recognize that the capacity of government is limited but we regard democratic government as a force for good and a source of hope.
At the heart of our party lies a fundamental conviction, that Americans must not only be free, but they must live in a fair society.
We believe it is the responsibility of government to help us achieve this fair society.
a society where the elderly and the disabled can lead lives of dignity and where Social Security remains an unshakeable commitment;
a society where all people can finds jobs in a growing full-employment economy;
a society where all workers are guaranteed without question the legal right to join unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively for decent wages and conditions of employment;
a society where taxes are clearly based on ability to pay;
a society where the equal rights of women are guaranteed in the Constitution;
a society where the civil rights of minorities are fully secured and where no one is denied the opportunity for a better life;
a society that respects the dignity of every human individual, where both public and private discrimination based upon race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic status, philosophical persuasion or physical disability are condemned and where our government moves aggressively to end such discrimination through lawful means;
a society where we recognize that the strengthening of the family and the protection of children are essential to the health of the nation;
a society where a sound education, proper nutrition, quality medical care, affordable housing, safe streets and a healthy environment are possible for every citizen;
a society where the livelihoods of our family farmers are as stable as the values they instill in the American character;
a society where a strong national defense is a common effort, where promoting human rights is a basic value of our foreign policy, and where we ensure that future by ending the nuclear arms race.
This is our purpose and our promise.
Amendments, Bylaws, and Rules
Section 1.
These Bylaws may be amended by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the CEC Members present and voting at any regular or special meeting of the Central Executive Committee, provided notice of such amendment(s) and the nature thereof shall have been given to the members of the Central Executive Committee at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting at which said amendment(s) are to be presented for consideration. Minor or technical amendments and suspension of particular section(s) may be permissible, during any regular or special meeting, in order to defend, support and protect the integrity of the Party.